If you're looking to maintain your wood floors, there are a few steps you can take to ensure longevity and a good quality finish. Hardwood flooring can be very environmentally friendly, provided it is bought from a responsible supplier. These include cleaning regularly, re-oiling, and protecting your floor from UV rays and scratches.

If your wooden floors have lost their shine and gloss, it's time to re-oil them. Re-oiling them is an inexpensive and simple way to improve their appearance without the hassle. Oiled wood floors are less vulnerable to scratches and wear than varnished floors. The oil is absorbed into the wood and works as a repellent to dust and liquids. To achieve the best results, you'll need professional equipment and the right cleaning products. Using the right products will help you extend the lifespan of your floors and keep them looking their best. There are many products on the market to choose from. You may need to do a little research to find the best. Choosing the right oil is important. While the most cost-effective solution is to just scrub and polish, there are also several products that can give you a fresh coat of shine. For instance, you can use a micro-fibre roller to apply a thin layer of oil.
Cleaning with a Dry or Slightly Damp Microfiber Mop
Wood floors are susceptible to water damage, so cleaning with a dry or slightly damp microfiber mop is essential for the health and longevity of your floor. Water can seep into the pores of the wood, causing swelling and warping. The best way to avoid damage is to use proper wood floor cleaning products and apply them at recommended intervals.
When you clean your wood floors, be sure to remove any dirt, dust, or debris before using a cleaning product. If you're using a commercial cleaner, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. You'll find a wide variety of mops on the market. Some are designed specifically for dusting, others for wet and dry mopping. There are also some steam mops and flat mops. Mops with built-in wringing handles are useful for wet mopping. They're easy to maneuver and they are ideal for scrubbing around obstacles.
Also read about, 5 Excellent Reasons To Refinish Your Hardwood Floors
Protecting from Scratches and Wear
Protecting from scratches and wear on wood floors is important for maintaining the durability of your floor. This means cleaning and sweeping regularly. Keeping shoes off your floors is also a good idea. Felt pads are a good choice for hardwood floors. These provide a layer of protection between your floor and your furniture. You can use them as temporary towel pads under chair legs, or even place them permanently under chairs.
Similarly, there are a variety of other products that can help you protect your wood floor from scratches. For example, you could buy an area rug. Area rugs block sunlight from the floor, so they act as a barrier against scratches. A good quality vacuum cleaner is another option. If your hardwood floors are not pre-finished, you will want to make sure you sweep the floor often.
Avoiding Harsh Chemicals
If you're trying to maintain and increase the longevity of your wood floors, you'll want to avoid harsh chemicals and harmful cleaning products. They're not only bad for your health, they can damage the finish on your floors. The good news is that there are some effective alternatives. A microfiber mop dampened with a good floor cleaner can be a great way to clean and shine your hardwood. But be sure to use a light mist. Overextended water can leave a dull finish and can even cause your floors to buckle. A liquid polishing product can also work wonders. Make sure you choose a product that's designed specifically for wood. Most will contain oils and waxes. While these can make your floors look shiny, they can also be sticky and hard to remove.
UV Rays
In order to keep your floors looking great for as long as possible, you need to protect them from UV rays. These rays can cause color fading and damage to furniture and furnishings. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent this from happening. One of the best ways to protect your flooring is by installing window coverings or blinds. These treatments can block ultraviolet rays from damaging your flooring.
Another way to help prevent the sun from fading your flooring is by keeping your home well-insulated. This is especially important if you live in an area with a humid climate. Moisture can cause fading and damage to your hardwood floor. You can also add mats to prevent moisture from reaching the wood. Using a window treatment that blocks UV rays is also a good idea. Some manufacturers even offer motorized window treatments that automatically extend or retract to block sunlight.
Hardwood floor refinishing is complex. We recommend you hire a professional to do the job for you. Looking for residential hardwood flooring Charlotte nc? We are at Majestic Hardwood Floors Inc engaged in offering quality Hardwood Flooring, which adds timeless and classy look to the house.