Hardwood floors are known to last for a very long time but there is often a question that arises about the specific numbers. A lot of people wish to know exactly how long they can expect their hardwood floors to last. So a lot depends on the conditions, in a perfect one the floors are expected to last anywhere between 20 to up to 30 years. But then again these numbers can only be achieved if the conditions in which the floors exist are at their best. Majestic hardwood floors Inc is one of the best hardwood installation company charlotte NC and our team has years of experience in dealing with hardwood floors. It is important to note that if the conditions around the floors are not favorable then the period of their existence and well-being decreases significantly.

Let us have a look at some of those conditions and determine the reasons for the same:
If You Have Pets And/Or Kids
We all love our pets and they are very much part of our family at every moment. But we must also understand that their existence might sometimes be damaging to our floors. The claws of the dogs might be enough to damage the floors as they might unknowingly put scratches on the very damaging floors. The presence of kids at home might be another reason as the floors have to face wrath when the kids play. If not taken care of, our kids too knowingly or unknowingly could damage the floor significantly. One must watch out for their kids and trim the claws of their pets to avoid these damages.
If You Live In A Humid Environment
Wood floors are all good in a dry environment but are often found to be difficult to sustain in wet or humid conditions. Water is often termed the worst enemy of wooden floors and wet conditions are never favorable for the floors. There is also the risk of molds and untimely deterioration in a wet environment. Keeping the doors and the windows properly insulated and usage of a dehumidifier is the only way to escape from such conditions and save your floors from losing their charm much earlier.
Also Read More, How Wood Floor Trends Have Changed: The Evolution
If Your Floors Were Not Properly Installed
Proper installation of the floors is very necessary or else you will have to face several issues frequently. There could be issues like cracks on floors, nails coming out, or split in the floorboard among other issues. Having a credible working professional for installation is the only way to avoid such situations and Majestic Hardwood floors Inc provide the best solutions for hardwood floor installation in charlotte.
If Your Home's Foundation Is Not Settled And Is Shifting
You have to be certain that the foundation of your home is well-settled and perfect before installing the hardwood floors. If your home suffers foundation shifting at any point later it will be terrible for floors as well. Therefore a good foundation of the home is essential for the floors to remain in the best shape for a long.
If You Don’t Take Proper Care Of Your Floors
A hardwood installation company in Charlotte NC explains that It is pretty obvious- if you don’t take care of your floor over time then they are bound to suffer and will show signs of distress pretty early. This point is something which is strongly in our hands and we must ensure proper care of our floors to give them a healthy and long life.